All About Sandra
As trained counselor and educated natural healer, Sandra is a helper and mother to her world. Sandra is considered by her friends as a Renaissance Woman! While studying many traditional subjects, she has developed her creative side through self development since childhood. Her resourcefulness comes in when the job needed, the skills become available. When she moved from Penn State University to South Florida to counsel in the public schools, they hired her to teach Math. Math being her best subject gave her the background needed to be one of the first in the country who created Computer science curriculum in the early eighties in the State of Florida, which was a leader in the country at that time in Computer Science Education. Her background in theater made it easy to entertain students in the class room.
She developed her own conscious expanding awareness as a child with no teachings in the area. She began her natural healing journey when modern medicine could not meet her needs after a serious fall in her classroom. She broke three vertebrae which led her on the natural healing journey that has changed her life! Sandra is grateful for her many adverse reactions to conventional medicine which forced her to look to essential oils and energy medicine for results. Over the last twenty plus years she has studied, energy healing and essential oils and has integrated them to assist others in living naturally. She knows how to perceive the needs and abilities of her audience and speak to them on their level. Sandy is a “Real Person”!